KAIROS of San Diego has been self sufficient since the program started in 1991. All funding for both KAIROS Inside and KAIROS Outside are from individual donations or contributions from local churches. KAIROS of San Diego does not have Corporate Sponsors. 100% of all funding for KAIROS goes directly to the ministry. KAIROS of San Diego is a non-profit run entirely by volunteers with zero paid staff.
If you would like to make a tax deductible donation to KAIROS of San Diego, please make your donation to:
KAIROS of San Diego Treasurer
P.O. Box 28781
San Diego, CA 92198-0781
If you would like to make other arrangements for donation, please contact the Treasurer at the address above, or by email by clicking here.
Thank you SO MUCH for your financial support of the KAIROS Prison Ministry here in San Diego!
Donate Online
Donations can be made through Kairos of California’s donation form by clicking the blue button below. Under the “Gift Details” select Kairos Outside – San Diego or RJ Donovan under the drop-down menu.