Closing Ceremony Guest Clearance Applications – CLOSED

A great opportunity for you to participate or even introduce your friends and loved ones to Kairos is to invite them to a Closing Ceremony on Sunday, October 27, 2024. We all know that it’s really an invitation to front row seats to witness miracles!

Please indicate which one of two closing ceremonies you would like to attend: Delta Yard or Echo Yard – Ask the person that invited you, if you’re not certain about which one to attend.

TRJ Donovan will perform a clearance check on all clearance submissions for Closing Ceremonies. 

NOTE: If you have a prior felony conviction or have ever visited an inmate in a California prison, you will need to submit a letter to Warden James Hill explaining your request to enter RJ Donovan as a volunteer Kairos Closing attendee. An example letter is attached to this email.

NOTE: Your name must be exactly as it appears on your driver’s license or state issued ID card.

We really do need you.

If you feel called to bring the Light of Christ to those who are incarcerated, we are looking for you. Use the form below and let’s connect.

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